Hey PeriSisters, it's me Ange! If you don't know me, I'm the Clinical Nutritionist and CoFounder here at SheBANG!

Hi! 👋

In my line of work, and with a special interest/passion in Women's Health, I think about the impact of food on the perimenopausal body a lot. 

Our mission here is to make you feel the whole SheBANG! again as you move through perimenopause, and food is a critical piece of the puzzle as we go through the perimenopausal journey and one that will pay us dividends in not just the short term but long term future too.

The right foods can heal and the wrong foods can make us really sick and miserable too.

You have your own inner knowledge and experience of what works well for you: what can be tolerated and what absolutely can't.  Some foods can be sometime foods, some have to be popped on the No-No list (until you've reached menopause anyway) and others you can eat to your heart's desire.   

Bottom line is: only you can truly know what food belongs on which list for you.

I thought I'd share with you what I would typically eat in a day to give you an idea of what works for me (again remembering that what's right for me, might not be right for you).

Let's take a look-see!

To make sure I have everything I need in my busy week ahead I like to plan meals and get the shopping done in advance.  

Here’s what a day might look like for me.

What does a Perimenopausal Clinical Nutritionist Eat in a Day?

NOTE: I have been intolerant to gluten and milk for about 20 years (I'm absolutely fine with dairy just not milk).

Upon waking (6am - 7am):

Breakfast - I have 3 go-to brekkie's 

I eat when I feel hungry, sometimes this can be straight away but mostly around 10am. I like to break my fast when I'm hungry not when I think I should eat. If that means taking it with me to work, I do.

  1. 2 boiled eggs and a slice of gluten free (GF) bread with smashed avocado
  2. Oat based muesli, greek yoghurt and berries
  3. 1 slice of GF toast with peanut butter.


Lunch varies for me and depends on what I have left over from the night before.  

But whatever it is, I always aim for a protein portion roughly the size of my palm, half the plate full of vegetables, quarter of the plate would be carbs like potatoes, sweet potatoes or long grain rice and a little bit of good fat like a quarter of an avocado or good quality mayo.

  • Grilled Chicken salad (and whatever vegetables we had the night before)
  • Tuna and salad (GF) wrap 
  • Baked potato with salad and cottage cheese
  • Grilled chicken, sweet potato, snow peas and broccoli
  • 2 squares of dark chocolate (78% cocoa Lindt is my fav).


If I get hungry throughout the day, I make sure I have things like these snacks to hand: 

  • Apple with cheese or peanut butter
  • Carrots and hummus
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Boiled egg
  • Protein bar
  • Smoked salmon.

Mid afternoon pick me up

Peri Chai Latte (no milk). I have one twice a day not to only to reduce my peri symptoms, but the magnesium curbs any sugar cravings and of course, it's absolutely delicious and super comforting.


Again, like lunch, the protein portion will be roughly the size of my palm and half the plate full of vegetables.  If I feel like carbs at dinner I will have some but I mostly I don't in the evening as often I don't need them and they can make me feel too full.

  • Salmon (pan-fried), broccoli and peas.
  • Roasted chicken and vegetables 
  • Home-made burger patty with salad and grilled egg plant
  • 2 squares of dark chocolate.

Drinks through out the day...

  • Plenty of water
  • Peri Chai Latte (twice a day, religiously)
  • Earl grey tea (black)
  • Organic green tea (and many other herbal teas - I'm obsessed)
  • AND of course, I enjoy a good glass of red wine or G&T every now and again. (Here are my thoughts on alcohol and peri).


I focus on plenty of fresh vegetables daily, aiming for at least 5 serves a day.

I include good quality proteins with every meal and snack and drink plenty of water daily. 

I also include good fats in my diet like olive oil, oily fish, coconut oil and butter.

Don't be scared of full fat products, they are full of fat soluble vitamins that we all need for good health. I focus especially on fats with omega 3 to help reduce peri inflammation, so like to make sure I have fish a couple of times a week. 

I hope that helps, ladies!  Hit me up with any questions you have below. :)


February 11, 2022 — Angela Greely


Angela@SheBangWoman said:

Hi Adina, Soy is great. I always get organic as most soy crops are GM. Ange x

Adina said:

I drink my peri chai twice a day usually with soy. How do
You feel about soy?

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