You walk into a party for one of your best mates' birthdays, there are loads of people you know and you have to introduce them to your partner? The sweat starts dripping, you can’t remember their names! Eek…

Or maybe you're at work and you have to remember what was just discussed to write notes and you just can’t remember! Eek… 


More sweat....

Total brain freeze .... TRES embarrassment.

Memory loss (memory mess as we like to call it) or brain fog is a totally normal symptom of perimenopause and will pass.

Those buggers of brain freeze (or brain fog) moments are brought on by mega hormone changes as our bodies navigate perimenopause and our new hormonal norm.

Remember that perimenopause (the lead up to menopause) has a SIGNIFICANT impact on women’s mental health as we embrace HUGE biological changes within our bodies.

Perimenopause won’t last forever (and neither will the symptoms that come with it), and importantly you aren’t going mad!

So strap in, learn to love Post-It notes and LISTS (us SheBANG! girls lurve a list), you're going to need them to get through this crazy ride.

What Does Perimenopause Brain Fog/Memory Mess Feel Like?

You might find:

  • Your thoughts are slower and hazier
  • It can be hard to focus
  • You sometimes feel confused
  • Lack concentration and
  • Feel terribly forgetful.

Many women describe it as feeling fuzzy and/or less sharp than normal.

What Type Of Memory is Affected in Perimenopause?

Two types of memory are affected during menopause: short term and recent memory.  So things like remembering names, dates and addresses can completely escape you while experiencing memory lapses, especially if you've just received the information.

Can Poor Sleep Affect Your Memory?

Poor sleep is a common perimenopause symptom where women may find it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. You might also be dealing with night sweats that are keeping you awake.  

If you aren’t managing to get good sleep on a regular basis it will impact your focus and memory. You might also be feeling irritable and anxious. It’s important to take rest when you can.

Reducing stress through relaxation practices such as meditation, yoga and breathing techniques can help reduce anxiety, irritability and improve sleep.

Read our post for some great tips on How to get Great Sleep in Peri.

What Can You Do To Improve Your Memory in Perimenopause?

Move Daily 

Movement of any kind is essential for good brain health. Building muscle has been found to improve cognition, brain energy and reduce your chances of dementia. Exercise also helps improve your quality of sleep and improves circulation.

Try To Get Better Sleep 

We can hear you from here - you're trying! If only you could, you would

We know sleep can be a mythical creature as we move through perimenopause but there are things you can do to support your body and brain to relax and sleep better. One big thing you can do is to take SheBANG!'s Peri Chai Latte (you can find that right here) which is loaded with Magnesium to help you do just that - sleep.

Reverse Insulin Resistance

Untreated insulin resistance can lead to memory loss

Perimenopause is a time when you start to store excess fat around your middle, this can lead to insulin resistance and then Type 2 diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone and affects many other hormone interactions as our hormone system and the interactions are complex; including oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Read more on insulin resistance here.

Natural Supports

Magnesium Glycinate and Taurine are the two supplements that we highly recommend because of how beneficial they are for brain health and cognition. 

Magnesium Glycinate is a superhero ingredient in the SheBANG! Peri Chai Latte blend.  Find it here and see how other women across Australia (and the world!) are enjoying the benefits.

Other supplements of note are Choline and MCT.

Choline is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that supports memory, mood and intelligence. During perimenopause the body's ability to produce choline can decline, so with supplementation you can improve memory and cognitive function. Food sources include eggs, liver and salmon.

MCT Oil (Medium-chain triglycerides) has been shown to calm the brain, reduce inflammation and block a receptor in the brain that causes memory loss.

Are You Deficient in B12?

B12 is an important vitamin for brain health and nerve function found in foods of animal origin, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products.

By the age of 50 you will have a 40 percent chance of being deficient in B12.

Symptoms of deficiency are fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, memory problems, tingling in your hands and feet and issues with balance.

If you feel like you might be deficient please ask your GP to check your blood levels of B12. 

Oestrogen Therapy

Oestrogen Therapy can improve cognition if you start within five years of your final period.

According to neuroscientist Roberta Diaz Brinton:

“Estrogen has beneficial effects if taken before or at the time of menopause when neurological health is still intact, but detrimental effects if initiated years after menopause when neurological health may have already begun to decline” *3

Remember there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to hormones.

The most important thing is finding a skilled health professional who can find the right treatment for you.

Exercise Your Mind!

It’s important to challenge your mind each day - it can be as simple as social interactions, reading, crossword puzzles or even learning something new like learning to play a musical instrument or studying a new language.

Include Omega 3 Brain Foods In Your Diet

You can find Omega 3 oils in oily fish, nuts and seeds (such as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts). Omega 3 is good for cellular communication in the brain.

Perimenopause is a really important time to reflect on your lifestyle choices, as the right ones can have such a big impact on reducing your peri symptoms. 

Want to learn more about Peri Health you can get heaps of good info in our PeriBlog here.  

Don't see what you need? We love suggestions!  Hit us up at and we'll jump right on it :)






4. Hormone Repair Manual, Lara Briden ND



August 22, 2022 — Angela Greely

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