Being Scottish I grew up with porridge and I find it such a lovely comfort as the seasons shift from warm to cold ... (well, less warm anyway!).

As the temps start to drop I’m starting to think about breakfasts that will make me feel cosy and warm in the morning, as well as nourishing and sustaining me throughout the day - and especially those breakfasts that will support my body as I move through peri.

As you'll know, the main ingredient of porridge is oats which are super nutritional for perimenopausal women thanks to them being high in resistant starch which feeds the good bacteria in our gut (= good gut health: reduced inflammation/increased immunity/body functioning optimally). Bottom line?  100% awesome for perimenopause symptoms.

Porridge can have a bad rap for being a bit plain and boring but actually there's so much you can do to pimp your porridge to turn it into not only a delicious, yummy brekkie but also a weapon against those dastardly perimenopause symptoms wreaking havoc on your life.


Turn your Porridge into a Peri-Obliterating Weapon! Here's How:

Add some Peri Chai Latte love into your porridge!


Because our Peri Chai Latte is loaded with the following PeriBusting superfood ingredients targeting some of the worst perimenopause symptoms -  that's why!

Magnesium Glycinate 

Magnesium is an essential mineral, needed for optimal metabolic function. It is involved in more than 300 essential metabolic reactions within our bodies. This is a key mineral in reducing perimenopausal symptoms by soothing the nervous system.

More reasons why we love magnesium in perimenopause, here.


It’s not clear exactly when we start to lose collagen. Some studies suggest that we start losing about 1% of collagen a year from the age of 20. This increases in perimenopause and menopause with falling oestrogen levels and as part of the natural ageing process. 

Collagen helps to:

  • Rejuvenate skin, hair and nails
  • Improve gut health - it can help repair and grow muscle tissue in your gut lining.  Find out here how to work on your gut health.


Curcumin, the antioxidant found in Turmeric, has been found in studies to be protective against cognitive decline, anti-inflammatory responses/symptoms and also relieves pain.

More here on why we love turmeric for perimenopause symptoms.


Ginger is from the same family as Turmeric and adds a warm, sweet, peppery flavour and contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds.


A divine sweet and woody flavour, selected not only for its wonderful aroma and taste but for its powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Manuka Honey

We added this powerhouse honey for its sweetness and its health benefits. Manuka is known for its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

Black Pepper

The active compound in black pepper is piperine which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and also helps Turmeric do its wonderful thing.

You can see what your peri sisters think of our Peri Chai Latte here.

Other Perimenopause Superfoods you could add…

Berries And Cacoa

Berries and Cacoa are naturally high in flavonoids which are antioxidants that are able to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress to the brain.

Flavonoids are able to improve blood flow, improve communication between the cells, and protect neurons from damage.

Studies have shown them to be helpful in increasing learning, improving memory and boosting overall brain power. 


MCT oil (Medium-chain triglycerides) has been shown to calm the brain, reduce inflammation and block a receptor in the brain that causes memory loss.

Flaxseeds, Almonds, Walnuts

Anti-inflammatory nuts and seeds are a great addition as they are high in protein and good fats.

Hot tip: lightly toast and chop for extra yummy flavours. 

It’s important to nourish yourself in perimenopause, a good diet will help you reduce symptoms. Get some guidance:


 Ange's PeriBusting Porridge Recipe

  • 1½ cups rolled oats
  • 1 Dessertspoon Peri Chai Latte blend
  • 3⅓ cups of water or your choice of milk
  • Pinch of salt


  • Add a spoonful of berries and cacoa: antioxidants/fibre/flavanoids
  • Add some chopped nuts: protein/good fats
  • Add some Greek Yoghurt for some extra protein
  • Add some stewed apples with cinnamon - so good!


Add all the ingredients into a saucepan and stir until the oats are all broken down and porridge-y looking.

Got porridge left over? Simply store in the fridge then when you're ready, reheat with a little extra water/milk.

Ange is a qualified Clinical Nutritionist and CoFounder of SheBANG! Woman with a special interest in Women's Health.

May 29, 2022 — Angela Greely

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