What you get:

1. The SheBANG! Perimenopause Guidebook

This guidebook will empower you to make choices in your day-to-day life that will have an impact on your perimenopause symptoms and your energy levels.

The SheBANG! Perimenopause Guidebook includes all you need to thrive through perimenopause:

  • Nutrition guidelines to follow for perimenopause
  • A grocery list of the foods to include in your diet and foods to avoid which may exacerbate peri symptoms
  • Meal ideas
  • Health and wellbeing tips to thrive through perimenopause.

2. The SheBANG! Challenge Tracker

A downloadable document that you can print to track how you feel each day throughout the SheBANG! challenge.

3. Daily Email Reminders (to keep you on track)

We'll send little reminders prompting you to remember to check the SheBANG nutrition guidelines for your meals, drink enough water, have your Peri Chai Latte/Peri Hot Choccy, check in with the SheBANG! Perisisters if you're struggling.

4. Access to a Supportive Community of Peri Women

If you need some encouragement or see how others are doing, you can check in with the SheBANG! Perisister Facebook group: a closed group of supportive women going through peri challenges just like you.

5. Opportunity to ask SheBANG!'s Clinical Nutritionist Questions

Not sure about something in the nutrition plan or any part of the challenge? Jump into the SheBANG! perisisterhood group and ask a question.  

Ange, SheBANG!'s Clinical Nutritionist will jump in and respond.

If you have a question, often it's likely other women have the same question. 

What Can You Expect From the Challenge?

Provided the challenge is followed, you can expect to feel better* in yourself including:

  • Improved sleep
  • Better energy levels
  • More stable mood
  • Reduced bloating
  • Less hot flushes
  • Less headaches
  • Generalised reduction in severity of peri symptoms.

*Results will vary woman-to-woman given how unique we all are. 

If your diet includes a large amount of processed foods and sugars (that's okay! We're here to help not judge💗), you may find you'll need to stay in the challenge for at least four weeks to really feel and notice the difference.